No man is really happy or safe without a hobby. Having a hobby helps in enhancing our productivity, passion, and skills.
Prachi Dharap
Hobbies can be quite diverse, and those who can utilize the skills developed through hobbies, are more efficient and productive.
Crafts likeOrigami, Cross-stitch,Quilting, etc. require forethought. You get to explore your creativity in many ways. Boasting is a bonus, when you have something you can use or give away as an end-product.
Knitting is an enjoyable pastime and it creates a warm gift for your loved ones. It needs multi-tasking and planning skills that you would require at your workplace.
Writing is a form of self-expression. You can pour your thoughts, dreams, and desires in words. It is a channel for your creativity, and also enhances your health and productivity.
Reading will let you explore new thoughts and ideas by different people. Also, it can make you learn new habits, that will make you more proficient.
Drawing and Painting allows you to tap into the emotions, desires, and thoughts in your mind. It also inspires you to be more efficient at work.
Sculpting expects you to create art with available resources. Sculpture also gives you patience as it requires precision. Plus you get a completely authentic piece of art at the end.
Woodwork makes you focus on your vision of what you want to create. Creating something complex, beautiful, and unique can be a boost to your self esteem. It will, in turn, make you happier.
Gardening is a pleasant hobby to pursue. Gardening lets you relax and unwind, while teaching you about multitasking.
Playing Music has been linked to having improved memory and better abstract reasoning. It can make you feel less stressful, more creative, patient, and confident.
Acting behoves you to awaken the memorizing skills, improvising, and crisis management ability. It helps you to stay calm and competent as a result.
Baking/ Cooking needs you to be present in the moment, and focus on the recipe. It also requires to plan ahead. And you start eating healthier!
Photography as a hobby can be therapeutic. It also allows you to look at the world from new angles and improve your focus.