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How to Make Liquid Castile Soap

Tilottama Chatterjee
Have you been looking for information about liquid castile soap? We will give you details about the ingredients that go into its making and how you can make your own version at home!
"Chandler", in the medieval times, was a reference for a person who would make soap. This is your chance to be one. This particular soap, has evolved through different places and diverse soap- making practices over time. The liquid castile soap has become increasingly popular amongst all households today.
Here is a quick glance at this cleanser through time and how to make it at home. If you're the creative kind, and have time on your hands, you could make castile soap with a variety of essential oils and gift these to your friends and family.

The Odyssey of Castile Soap

✿ Etymology of Castile

The origin of this soap dates back to the 11th century, which became popular along the Mediterranean belt. Castile soap is named after the region where it is thought to have been originated, the "Castile" region of what is presently known as Spain. It's difficult though, to trace its exact origin, as it has been in use successively for five centuries.

✿ Ingredients Formerly Used

Prior to the making of castile soap, tallow, (which is beef or mutton fat) was used as the base for soap, and it remains in use to this day. The main characteristic of castile soap is that it's made out of pure vegetable fats or traditionally olive oil, making it very gentle on the skin, and lacking the drying effects that most soaps have.
Although castile soap is typically made of olive oil, it has many variations in the base used, and many recipes use coconut oil, avocado oil, almond oil or jojoba oil, among others as their bases.

✿ Quondam Approach of Preparation

It is also believed that a substance called "barilla", which is obtained from plant ashes was boiled with local olive oil. "Brine", which is a common preservative, was then added, resulting in the surfacing of soap, which could be collected through a boiler and the adulterated and waste material could be separated.
This soap exuded a creamy-white effervescence which lacquered over time. This substituted the use of "tallow" and was one of the earliest attempts at concocting castile soap.

✿ Complementary Options

➤ Marseille soap (A French soap made from vegetable oils)
➤ Aleppo soap (A Syrian soap green in color, similar to Castile soap)
➤ Glycerin soap (Common commercial soap made with glycerin)
➤ Nabulsi soap (A Palestinian soap made from virgin olive oil)

The Benefits

✿ Reasons It Is Preferred

✔ The benefits of liquid castile soap are myriad, but, one of the main reasons it is widely appreciated is because of its biodegradable nature. This is one of the main reasons consumers who have a 'green conscience' and are eager to do their bit for environmental issues are loyalists of castile soap.
✔ Many companies that commercially manufacture castile soap, are also supporters of fair-trade practices, another reason for consumers to do their bit, by buying products from them.
✿ Castile Is Versatile

Apart from their environment-friendly nature, the following are some uses of this multifarious soap:
✔ Liquid castile soaps are especially beneficial for people with sensitive or extra dry skin - the natural vegetable oil base soothes and prevents dryness.
✔ Soaps that use olive oil are often used as shampoos; the benefits of olive oil work wonders for those with dry hair.
✔ It can also be used as a green option for dishwasher detergent; you could add vinegar to the last rinse in order to counter any greasiness that could result.
✔ You can use this soap to replace your laundry detergent as well, (it'll help up your green quotient).
✔ Homemade soap making, often works out as more economical than store-bought soaps.

If you're wondering how to make liquid castile soap, a basic recipe is described here.

Try this at Home!

✿ Ingredients

✔ Olive oil, 4 cups
✔ Lye crystals (potassium hydroxide), 1 cup
✔ Distilled water, 1 cup

You can choose to add essential oils of your choice to add fragrance, or vary the base oil in accordance with your preferences.
✿ Preparation

» Heat the olive oil, bring the temperature to 80 degrees, using a candy thermometer to check, then cool it slightly.
» In a separate container, dissolve the lye crystals in water, making sure that they dissolve completely.
» Pour the lye mixture into the cooled olive oil and blend using a wooden spoon or stick. Continue blending for approximately 15 minutes, then cool.
» Add the essential oil of your choice, blend and then pour into clean, dry soap dispensers.
Once you find a recipe that works for you, try out different combinations of base oils, or venture into castile soap recipes that will yield bars instead of the liquid version; you may well find yourself a convert for life!